
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Power of Your Word: Accredited Class

Power of Your Word
8 weeks
This course is designed to teach the basics of spiritual mind treatment (aka affirmative prayer) and covers topics such as:

• Learn how to pray affirmatively for specific outcomes.
• Uncover limiting beliefs and change them.
• Identify what makes pray effective.
• Write affirmations and treatments as a spiritual practice.
The Intentions for this class are;
1. To learn what it means to duplicate the nature of Spirit so that I may be an avenue of Love and Freedom in the world.
2. To practice the steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment, in order to reveal greater Good in my life, and the lives of others.
3. To deepen my understanding of treating for current world events, so that I maybe an avenue of Peace.
4. To learn how to effectively use treatment when praying for others.

Text: How to Use the Science of Mind: Principle in Practice by Ernest Holmes
Dates and Times: Mondays, Feb. 12 – April 2 or Wednesday, Feb. 14 – April 4, 2018.
Times: 6-8:30pm or Wednesday 10am-12:30pm.
Tuition: $16/week plus $45 registration fee. Total $173