
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Dear Beloved Community,

These times provide tremendous opportunities to practice the Science of Mind. There can be no doubt that we are One as we watch the coronavirus, COVID-19, race around the world. The virus has made us very aware of the invisible becoming visible. And just as fast as the virus can spread, even faster can we spread Love, Faith, Calm, and Compassion no matter where we are. What you think and how you respond uses your invisible power to change consciousness. So together we become mindful and remember our Truths so that instead of spreading fear, we spread calm, compassionate and love, wherever we are, right here and right now. I loved hearing that the quarantined Italians are singing from their balconies to show unity against the virus. How wonderful! 

So now, out of love and compassion for one another, to act responsibly in caring for our Center’s community and the Chico community, and to practice safety for our public health, we invite you all to watch our Guided Meditation and Inspirational Service tomorrow via live-streaming on your computer or mobile device. How wonderful it is that we have been doing this for a while and now with ease and grace, we are able to offer our Sunday services this way. So if you have never watched live-streaming before, you can follow the instructions below. Please note that the “Watch live” link doesn’t become available until shortly before 9:30am when we actually start the Guided Meditation.  

At the time of Offertory, please mail your check to the Center, text message from your phone a donation amount to 530-771-6220, or select the DONATE menu at the top of our web site cslchico.org for other options to tithe online. We appreciate you taking the time to support our Center knowing we still have a building to care for, bills and staff wages to pay to keep our Center thriving. 

For those who do to come to our Center to perform their Sunday SEVA service or staff duties, we will practice social distancing and greet one another with elbow bumps in place of hugs. Social distancing is a practice recommended by public health officials to stop or slow down the spread of contagious diseases. It requires having physical space of about 6 feet between individuals so please sit appropriately.  

I know that Sunday mornings are typically a time to socialize and share our Love with one another. I encourage you all to use our Center’s directory to give someone a call and check-in with them. More than ever before, we have many ways that we can reach out to one another to just say “hi,” keeping our love circulating. So I encourage you to make at least one extra phone call this week to remind each other of our Truths spreading Love, Faith, Calm, and Compassion, TOGETHER raising consciousness to a higher vibration. 

See you online! Go to our Center for Spiritual Living Youtube page. When it’s time for our services, you should see a “Watch Live” show up above the listings of our previous lessons. Clicking on the “Watch Live” will bring up the live video.

In the Light of Love,

Spiritual Director
Center for Spiritual Living, Chico