Service InVestors
At all times there are many opportunities to serve here at the Center. Serving is one way to get to know more people and to offer a gift of service to others. We value those people willing to inVest their time and talents to serve our Center’s community as well as the community at large. Please see our list of service teams below.
Purpose & Mission
It takes a village… we believe in unity. It is our intention to not only serve our own spiritual community, but to be a light in our local community, as well as a light in the global community.
Contact Person
Please contact the main office if you have any questions or would like to become a volunteer here at the Center.
Center Office
Office hours are:
Tuesday through Thursdays 11:00 am -3:00 pm
For more information please call 530-895-8395 or email
InVestor Service Teams
Our teams offer people the opportunity to invest their time and talent in order to give back to our community… and have fun while doing it! If you are interested in volunteering on any of these teams, please contact us.
Leader: Michael Acosta
Description: This team is also known as the “Loving the Highway Adoptive Care Committee”. Volunteers (18 and older) meet on the second Saturday of the month at the Park & Ride lot (Highways 32 and 99), from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., to clean up Highway 32 from Fir Street to Bruce Road.
Bookstore Manager: Sherrie Line-Coil
Description: Bookstore volunteers are essential to the successful operation of the ROOM FOR THOUGHT bookstore. If we don’t have the book you want in stock, we encourage you to shop at Amazon, through our website link, as we receive a commission for your purchase at Amazon — if you’ve accessed the Amazon site through our website link.
Church Web Site
Leader: Emmett and Denise Culley
Description: This team is responsible for the planning, implementation, and maintenance of our church web site. If you would like to participate or if you have any suggestions, please contact us.
Sunday Flowers
Leader: Kathryn Wright
Description: Each Sunday beautiful flowers are donated and arranged for the pulpit by different members of our church.
Leader: Lynn Busby
Description: This team rotates serving on Sunday to greet people with a smile as they come in the doors, give out programs, and assist in directing people as needed.
Healing Ministry
Leader: Reverend Teri Lerch
Description: When special requests for prayer treatment are put into the healing chest, that request is assigned a number. The Healing Ministry then calls on practitioners to do prayer treatment for that numbered request for two weeks. Treatment is based on what was requested by the requestor.
Torres Shelter Cooking Team
Leader: Hazel Carter
Description: This team meets the first Thursday of the month at 4 p.m., to prepare a simple meal for the Chico homeless.
Kosmic Kids and Tweens
Leader: Natalie Lang
Description: Our Kosmic Kids, ages 5-9, and Tweens, (10-12 year olds) meet during our Sunday service (beginning at 9:45 am). We use the adopted International Centers for Spiritual Living curriculum, supplemented by service projects, music, and special holiday activities.
Lighting and Sound
Leader: Ted Wilson
Description: This team provides proper lighting and sound for each of our Sunday lessons. Sunday lessons are recorded which are available on CD in the bookstore as well as on our website in digital MP3 format here.
Leaders: Denise Culley
Description: The membership team is responsible for growth and retention of the church membership. They greet visitors and provide information to newcomers, organize membership drives, and coordinate events that tie into membership including recognition of new members, discovery classes and social opportunities.
Leader: Linda Snodgrass
Description: Music is a vital and vibrant part of our church experience. Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening (September through May). Come join the fun!
Leader: Natalie Lang
Description: We provide excellent care for infants to preschool age children (4 years old.) Parents are welcome to bring their youngest to the nursery room adjacent to the sanctuary.
Salvation Army Cooking Teams
Leader: Toni Campbell
Description: This team meets the first and third Sundays of the month, from 3 to 6 p.m., to cook a meal and serve it as a ministry from our church.
Social Hour Team
Leader: Denise Culley
Description: Volunteers team up to provide wonderful food for the social hour following Sunday service. They arrive early to help set up with their team and stay afterwards to help with clean-up. Their efforts are appreciated by the entire congregation.
Special Events/Fundraisers
Leader: Varies
Description: Special Events are carefully selected by the ministers and are advertised in the bi-monthly newsletter, the e-bulletin and weekly Sunday programs. A flyer is generally available that tells about the workshop and the person who is presenting it. The goal for the workshops is to enrich the lives of those attending. Tools to use on a daily basis are usually given which help to expand a greater awareness of one’s spiritual magnificence. This is done by inviting well-known people who have written a book or have successfully created a workshop that causes an experience of expanding a consciousness of the Divine within the individuals.
Spiritual Practitioners
Leader: John Boyle
Description: John coordinates our trained practitioners to serve where ever spiritual mind treatment, our form of affirmative prayer, is needed. Practitioners serve in the following ways: Healing Ministry, Sunday One Minute Miracles, Practitioner On Duty, holding the High Watch, and offering prayer to those who request their services. Practitioners regularly pray for the church, its members, staff, ministers and programs.
Staff Ministers
Leader: Reverend Duchess Dale
Description: The staff ministers of the Chico New Thought Center for Spiritual Living have completed at least 5 years training of Religious Science accredited class work, completed the Science of Mind 400 Intensive training and passed an oral exam before a panel of three ordained ministers. The staff minister may apply for the non-salaried position with a Religious Science Church, serving a specific assignment to be determined by the pastor or pastoral team. Areas of responsibilities could be Minister of Youth Education, Pastoral Care, Director of Practitioners, etc. All staff ministers may receive pay for counseling, conducting weddings, funerals and christenings, as well as teaching accredited Science of Mind classes under the supervision of the Pastor. The staff minister is licensed annually on approval of the pastor and is eligible for consideration for ordination upon completion of certain criteria. The staff minister must live in the community and be a regular, active participant and member in the church.
Teen Group
Leader: Rev. Teri Lerch
Description: (Teen Group currently on hiatus)
Youth and Family
Leader: Natalie Lang
Description: The Chico New Thought Center for Spiritual Living offers programs for ages infant to 18 years. All of our activities serve to facilitate the personal and spiritual growth of our youngest. From learning spiritual principles to music to community service, our children come to understand that the Divine Love of God is who they truly are. And what a difference this awareness makes in the lives of your youth!