
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Divine energy image of female silhouette

COVID-19 Prayer

By Sandy Gohlke, R.Sc.P.

Dear  Beloved,

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of praying with you today.  I have written this affirmative prayer in the first person so that you can make it your own.  Please refer to it often, every day. Speak this prayer with as much feeling as you can. Know that this prayer, your prayer, is already done.

I am one with the Power and Presence of the infinite Creator of life. I call this God or Spirit.  Out of itself, all beings and life are created from this Source, filled with limitless potential for good.  In oneness with Spirit I recognize divine intelligence and love provides all that I ever need. I align my thoughts and beliefs with the undisturbable peace within me. I detach from appearances of the world and remember I am not limited by stories and conditions. With the presence of Spirit I contribute to world peace and faith.

God instills within me the intelligent and creative Mind that is far greater than what I can see or hear.  Within God I am whole and healthy. I quiet myself and rely on divine reality. My soul and entire being are well.  Inner peace and faith in the unknown replaces human habits of doubt and fear. The presence of Spirit is my reality now.  

I move with consciousness of gratitude, love and faith. Divine consciousness is Self-supporting. Made with the consciousness of Spirit, I am never alone and am supported completely by the divine Presence. I chose peace; I am wholeness.

I cannot control the unknown. I can control my thought and belief. I align myself with Spirit. I AM unshakeable in faith for good. I release these words of Truth and conviction with calm and poise, knowing the one Law of Mind responds in perfect manifestation.


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