
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

SOM Treatment

Together let’s connect online with uplifting spiritual articles and blogs. Written by registered Science of Mind practitioners and ministers who want to provide fulfilling and meaningful messages based on New Thought principles and philosophy created by Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Prayer for our country

Greetings Beloved Community, As we turn within, letting go of the outer appearance of chaos, division and confusion, we find at the depth of our Being, a Peace that passes Understanding, Deep Abiding and Divine Love, Everlasting Truth, and a Unity that connects all Life. As we each take the time to connect to that…

picture of older man going on a run

I Am In The Flow

Written by Rev. Carolyn McKeown-Fish “The important thing is to always keep alive as long as welive.” In The Flow of Life – Eric Butterworth God is the living force in the universe. This Force does notage or deteriorate. Life is a constant process of renewaland regeneration; thus, there is no decay or death in…

One with Abundance

Written by Sandy Gohlke I quiet my mind and open to the great realization of an abundant Universe. I recognize there is an unseen Presence for good that creates all life out of itself for the purpose of expressing more of itself as life. This One Life lacks nothing. I am one with this One…


Written by Sandy Gohlke, RScP, emeritus There is One Mind, One Heart that exists at the center of all beings and all things. As I speak these words I feel a vibration moving throughout my entire body. Through this conscious awareness I know we are all connected. There is no distance or space, no in…

image of a flock of birds flying around at sunset

I Fly Freely

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. The murmurations of migrating birds whirling in the wind like thick black smoke. Thousands of birds making hairpin turns, swiftly shifting up and down and all around, creating irregular shapes in perfect unison as they dance to the symphony of Life conducted by the One Infinite Mind. I know that…

All Unfolds for the Good

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. The One Divine Mind is in and of all things. All is connected and moves in harmony with Itself. Rhythm, balance, purpose and intention is expressed throughout the Universe, as all things move in perfect time and space. Wisdom is the nature and Principle the method of this Divine Infinite…

Diversity hands creating a heart shape

The Diversity of Oneness

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. I know that the Oneness of God permeates all things and is the Source of all that is. Whether there be contrasts of light and darkness, cold and warm, wet and dry, it is all One, it is just two sides of the same coin. This Oneness creates a world…

Calm and at Peace

Written By John Boyle R.Sc.P. The Power of God permeates every aspect of life. The dormant strength of a calm sea, the rushing, gushing waters of a cascading waterfall, the beating heart of two people in love. It is all the reflective creation of the Power of God. In the midst of emotional prevailing winds,…

Flexibility and Ease

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P. I experience the Life that surrounds me. It is the gentle gliding of the tides sashaying along the seashore in a rhythmic dance. The effervescent, salty water that I can taste and feel upon my face. The glistening moonlight expressing its beauty as it reflects on the imperfectly perfect surface of the vast ocean. God is…

I am a Cheerful Receiver

Written by Rev. Connie Asquith “A Christian friend of mine asked me to pray for her. I put a few ‘Lords’ in it because of her faith, but it works just fine for any one needing spiritual guidance. Science of Mind teachings honor all paths to God.” I believe in God. I believe God is…