
Sunday Services
9:30am Meditation
10:00am Inspiration
14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973

Diversity hands creating a heart shape

The Diversity of Oneness

Written by John Boyle R.Sc.P.

I know that the Oneness of God permeates all things and is the Source of all that is. Whether there be contrasts of light and darkness, cold and warm, wet and dry, it is all One, it is just two sides of the same coin. This Oneness creates a world of beauty filled with textures and many different qualities, yet it is all One.

I am a creation of the One, filled with many diverse qualities and contrasts. All is Good. I am Good.

From this place of Goodness I experience the full spectrum of textures, feelings and emotions without judgement. I know only Oneness. I see only Oneness. My actions are in perfect alignment with the Oneness I know and see. I create loving relationships filled with acceptance, peacefulness and joy. Looking beyond the conditions I observe, I release any thought or idea that there is an absence of Oneness or an absence of Love.

I am grateful for the relationships in my life, centered in Truth and founded on knowing only the One.

I release my word knowing that all is well, it is already done, peace is mine now.

And so it is.